Daily Archives: May 5, 2011

My Summer Reading List

So, way back in January I posted my New Years Resolutions.

 #6 was Read More.

While, I did find some time a few weeks ago to read a little, I am going to make a more conscious effort to do so. And I wasn’t kidding when I said I have 10+ books sitting around waiting for me to read them. (There was a while when we first moved to CA, where I was pre-ordering books constantly, and I never ended up reading them.)

I have decided to compile a Summer Reading List. I’m going to see how many I can read between now and September 1st. 

Here it is, in no particular order:

1. Bossypants- Tina Fey  I actually am about half way through this. It’s pretty funny, I was laughing just reading the back cover!  I love Tina Fey.

2. Naptime is the New Happy Hour-  Stefanie Wilder-Taylor    I started reading this a while ago, then I lost it. After finding that it had fallen behind our bed, I plan on finishing it. It too is pretty funny.

3. Eat, Pray, Love.  A woman at work bought this for me for my birthday like 3 years ago. I started reading it once. I’d really like to read it in its entirety.

 James Patterson is one of my favorite authors. Which is obvious from all of these books that I ordered and havent read.  These next ones are all him:

4. The Postcard Killers

5. Swimsuit

6-8 8th Confession, 9th Judgement, and 10th Anniversary (I havent gotten 10th anniversary yet since it just came out.. but I really want it!)

9. Worst Case

10. Cross Country

11. I, Alex Cross

The Next 2 are Dean Koontz, one of my other faves!

12. Relentless

13. Your Heart Belongs to Me

I also Looove Charlaine Harris.

14. The new Sookie Stackhouse novel that came out yesterday. I can’t remember the title. I havent gotten it yet either, but its a must!

15. The other Charlaine Harris book I bought from a different series.. I also can’t remember the title… I have to find it.

16-? Anything else I get around to reading, should I make it this far down the list. I also currently have 4 books I got for free on my Kindle App on my phone, and a couple that the Teen got that I wouldn’t mind reading either.

So there we have it. I’ll keep you informed of my progress, as I’m sure you will be dying to know. 😉