Tag Archives: Reading

It’s been far too long…

It has been way way too long since I last posted. I think I’ve been saying that at the start of all my posts as of late…

I think about writing every day.. I really do… Then somehow my day escapes me.

Right now, I am sitting outside while the maniac destroys the back yard and torments the dog. Her new favorite thing is digging holes and “planting” seeds. We did make her a little garden. She started all the plants from seeds and they seem to actually be growing. With the exception of a couple things a certain canine has dug up.

There is corn, a couple pumpkins, carrots, parsley, cosmos (a flower) and California poppies. She lives to water them. Oh, and her little fish “Swimmy” is also buried in the garden. She waters him every day too. (well, she thinks she does.. There is a very good chance the dog dug him up and ate him. Yuck.)

Speaking of little Swimmy, may he rest in peace… The poor little guy only lasted month, and the Maniac LOVED him! Now, We have a new fish that she named Marshall. ( She wanted to name him Marcia, but being a boy she changed it). He’s a cool guy. A Betta fish.. In the morning he comes up the the top and waits for you to feed him. It’s almost like the maniac gets to hand feed him.


Oh, So my other excitement. I’m going to go file the permits & licenses make my etsy store a real honest tax paying business today. I know, I should have done it a while ago.. But better late than never right?

I’m kind of a little nervous about it.
And excited. But nervous.

Hopefully I will have time to get it all done. My friend can’t watch the maniac until 2. Keep your fingers crossed that the lines aren’t long! I have 3 offices to hit!

OH! Before I forget! I do want to send a shout out to the Accidental Stepmom, a fellow stepmom and blonde, (who’s blog I adore btw! You should read it!) who also didn’t know that Narwhals were real! And after she mentioned my post in her blog- it seems that we are not the only ones! YES! Hahaha!

There’s only a couple weeks of 8th grade for the Teen! Yikes! Then she’ll be in HIGH SCHOOL! Noooooooooooooooooooo!!!
It seems like just yesterday that she was starting first grade! Such a long time ago! This summer will mark 8 years that she’s lived with us. CRAZY!

I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself one in high school and one in preschool!

On a somewhat random note- I’m going to work on my summer reading list. I honestly don’t think I have read a book since last years list.. So I really need to get on that!

I’m going to leave you with this.. The maniac at the park a couple weeks ago, with ducks who walk on the sidewalk!
Have a great weekend!
