Daily Archives: November 16, 2010

My head will not explode.

It’s a lovely Tuesday morning.

9 Days until Thanksgiving.

I have a giant to-do list sitting here on the stable staring at me. Almost mocking me… challenging me to get it all done without my head exploding.

Yes, I did volunteer to do Thanksgiving here.

Yes, It is my own fault that I have a million things to do.

Yes, I could have started earlier.

 But really, i should be able to do it all in time. It’s just keeping the house clean AFTER I get it all done that should really be the challenge… you, know… crazy toddler and all.

I take that back… Getting it done WITH the crazy toddler may prove to be as challenging as keeping it clean when I’m done.

I’m just going to just take a deep breath, and jump in and see what happens.

It will all get done.

I will somehow keep the maniac busy.

My head will not explode.

Thanksgiving will be great.