I have a dream…..

I have a dream…..

– To live in a world where I can actually park the truck IN the garage.

– To live in a world where the unpacking is done and the garage just contains just garage stuff and not a hundred boxes of all kinds of stuff.

– To live in a world where everything has a place and everything is actaully in its place.

– To live in a world where I NEVER have to pack, unpack or move again.

– To live in a world where the children actually listen to what I say when I say it.

– To live in a world where I dont need to yell it when I say it.

~Wow I just had the weirdest Deja vu. Sorry for the interruption- now back to my dream….

– To live in a world where I can just run to the store to get something without having to schlep everyone with me.

– To live in a world where I can go on the beach reading a book- ALONE (even if its just for an hour)

– To live in a world where I can go get a mani, pedi and a haircut. Maybe all at the same time.

– To live in a world where my husband and I are in the same time zone for more than a day or two at a time.

– To live in a world where my husband is not only in the same time zone, but actually home home.

– To live in a world where the planets align and the universe lets me take a much needed child-free vacation with my hubby.

That is my dream today.  🙂

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